Avoidable losses up to 45 % due to tikka, up to 42 % due to rust and up to 60 %. Early leaf spot symptoms subcircular dark brown spots are produced on the upper leaflet surface. The fungus also survives in infected plant debris in soil. Mycosphaerella berkeleyii symptoms the disease occurs on all above ground parts of the plant, more severely on the leaves. Pathogen disease incited by a fungus cercospora personata. A fusarium oxysporum b albugo candida c colletotrichum falcatum d cercospora personata give the right ans. One of the best known leaf spot diseases is that of arachis hypogea l. The groundnut plant produces runners horizontal stems which in turn produce flowers at each node. Sprcori of the dseaw in indin is documented, and the role of conlinuous cultrrarion qfgroundrrtrt in pcrpetuntinp the. To assess prevalence and incidence of tikka disease, 997 farmers fields were visited. The leaf spots are also known as tikka disease incited by two species of fungus cercospora arachidicola and cercopora phaeoisariopsis personata.
Determination of seed resistance to colonization by aspergillus flavus 9 10 10 11 mp 5. Tikka disease of groundnut symptoms and control tikka disease of groundnut with diagram. These flowers selfpollinate and produce an anchor or peg which penetrates the ground. Mahmood ul hassan have been found satisfactory for the requirement of the degree. Following are some of the suggested control measures of the disease. This is the first icrisat information bulletin that deals with a virus disease of groundnut. Vector of virus disease known as the rossette of groundnut. Integrated pest management in groundnut arachis hypogaea l. Nearly 90 percent of the groundnut grown in the country is kharif sown from may june to september october. Certified that the contents and form of thesis entitled genetic transformation of groundnut for resistance to tikka disease submitted by mr. The major diseases of groundnut can be managed through a variety of methods like use of resistanttolerant cultivars, cultural practices, bi oc ont ro l ag en ts b io pe st ic id es, an d n ee. Enjoy content specifically chosen for you, and ensure you and your rifle are always second to none. Tikka and rust diseases can cause yield losses up to 70% mcdonald et al. A total of 25 groundnut genotypes were evaluated during 200001, 200102 and 20022003 against leaf spot and rust diseases to select resistant sources.
Pdf to monitor tikka or cercospora leaf spot disease of groundnut, surveys were carried out in the groundnut. The topsoil must thus have a low clay content less than 20% with a loose. In case of attack by cercosporidium personatum, the leaf spots are circular 16 mm dia. The disease is caused by a complex mixture of viruses viz.
Production of fluorescent substances in agar plant. The total area under ground nut is about 8 million hectares. Pdf prevalence and incidence of tikka disease cercospora spp. These are caused by two different species of fungi. Ravindra meteorological office, pune 411 055, india, received 11 june 2002, modified 12 april 2004. Introduction groundnut is the most important oilseed crop of india. Diseases of field crops and their management icar e course free pdf book download e krishi shiksha and tnau. Materials and methods in combination with biological control agent in controlling stem rot, collar rot, leaf spot and rust diseases of groundnut on main oilseeds research station, junagadh agricultural university, jinagadh during kharif 2014 to 201516. In uttar pradesh, the disease is locally known as chitwa or haldai. In recent advances in groundnut productivity research, proc. Five different fungicides chlorothalonil, propineb, mancozeb, nativo and triazole having three different doses. Inheritance of rust resistance in groundnut arachis hypogaea. Systematic position the fungus belongs to class deuteromycetes. Diseases of field crops and their management icar e course.
Symptoms of damage wilting of tender shoots during hot weather stunting and distortion of the foliage and stems they excrete honeydew on which sooty molds flow forming a black coating act as vector for peanut stripe virus and groundnut rosette virus complex. Management of tikka disease of groundnut by using different. International journal of plant sciences, epidemiology of. Tikka disease is the major disease of groundnut in india. Summer institute, nrcg icar 1983, junagadh india, p. Which of the following organism causes tikka disease. This article is a list of diseases of peanuts arachis hypogaea. It occurs as well in almost all groundnut growing countries of the world. Green rosette disease occurs in west africa and angola, malawi, swaziland and uganda. Tikka disease is a common fungal disease of groundnut. Effect of botanicals and biofungicide on controlling tikka. Components of resistance to puccinia arachidis in peanuts. Integrated disease management in groundnut agropedia.
The uredospores also spread as contamination of seeds and pods. Introduction tikka disease of groundnut is a disease which also refers to leaf spot disease. The last evaluation was conducted during the 201112 season after which these trials were replaced by the evaluation trials of registered cultivars and international. Groundnut bruchid which occurs in storage spray 5% malathion on pod and gunny bags fumigation with aluminium phosphide tablets 35 tablets tonne of groundnut pods mixing neem oil 5 mlkg of pods protects from bruchid.
These countries together accounts for a total area of. It occurs as two distinct types of leaf spot, namely, early leaf spot and late leaf spot. Disease response of trombay groundnut recombinants genotypes botanical variety peanut bud necrosis % late leaf spot rust tfdrg 1 vulgaris 10. Disease management tamil nadu agricultural university.
Various fungal diseases reduce groundnut yield but cercospora leaf spot commonly called, tikka disease is most detrimental one. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Which of the following organism causes tikka disease of 16260821 1. The symptoms appear in july and continue upto maturity of the plant. Jbar 08010214 biological control of leaf spot of groundnut. In india 1974, it has been reported from all parts wherever it is cultivated and causes loss to the yield at about 1560%. Aerobiological investigations were carried out for one season over groundnut arachis hypogea l.
Twenty four improved cultivars and one hundred ninety eight advanced breeding lines of groundnut arachis hypogaea germplasms were evaluated during kharif crop season of 2002 and 2005 at icar research farm in tripura. Lesions appear on the leaves, when the plants are atleast two months old. Diseases of groundnut tikka leaf spots early leaf spot. This is the most important fungal disease of groundnut. This article needs additional citations for verification. Control of tikka disease in groundnut the groundnut leaf spots early leaf spot and late leaf spot commonly called as tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more depending upon disease severity. Nematode pod rot and rust, two serious diseases of groundnut in rachi. Resistance components of resistance to puccinia arachidis in peanuts p. Disease cycle the pathogen survives as uredospores on volunter groundnut plants. Pdf prevalence and incidence of tikka disease cercospora.
Biology assignment help, plant diseases, tikka disease in groundnut. Diseases of groundnut 8 fungal diseases bacterial disease virus diseases nematode diseases 8 8 8 8 mp 1. Cartridges should be stored in stable room temperature 20c with normal humidity. Disease cycle of tikka disease of groundnut is presented in figure 380. Groundnut or peanut arachis hypogea botany study material. Regeneration of late leaf spotresistant groundnut plants. Non productivity of aflatoxins by japanese industrial strains of aspergillus. Losses due to this disease may go up to 1550% and 70%, if associated with rust puccinia arachidicola. The groundnut pod is produced underground at the tip of the pegs. Zahran 1,2natural products department, national center for radiation research and technology, nasr city,cairo, egypt. Grow moderately resistant cultivars like icgv 89104, icgv 91114 em, icgv 920920, icgv 92093 mm. Write about tikka disease in groundnut ask for details.
Tikka is a major disease affecting groundnut and all its varieties in india. Cotyledon callus cultures of groundnut arachis hypogaea l. Groundnut rosette disease occurs throughout subsaharan africa. Although not present every year, when epidemics occur they can result in devastating losses. Among these diseases, leaf spots commonly called as tikka disease caused by two fungal pathogens cercospora arachidicola hori. Tikka leaf spot identification in case of early leaf spot, the lesions are sub. Groundnut, beans, safflower, lablab, niger, peas, pulses and some weeds. India introduction among all oilseed crops, groundnut arachis hypogeae l. University of agricultural sciences gkvk, bangalore.
Forewarning of incidence of tikka disease on groundnut and. Rainsplash and implements also help in dissemination. International crops research institute for the semiarid tropics. It is generally distributed in the tropical, subtropical and warm temperate zones. Bavistin at 1 gliter water or kavach at 2 gliter water, and 500 litersha. Nov 26, 2014 the groundnut leaf spots early leaf spot and late leaf spot commonly called as tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more depending upon.
Ethnological studies of the major indian tribes of south america document the widespread culture of groundnut and provide indirect evidence for its domestication long before the spanish conquest. Clear disease symptoms were noted in the fields during the season. Groundnut cultivar evaluation report 201617 since the 200607 season the national groundnut cultivar trials were conducted within the groundnut production areas of south africa. Aug 11, 2015 introduction groundnut is the most important oilseed crop of india. Pseudomonas fluorescens against leaf spot disease tikka of groundnut caused by cercospora spp. India has the distinction of being the largest producer of groundnut in the world. Reports on diseases caused by nematodes in groundnut are very few in india. Subba rao plant pathologist, principal plant pathologist, principal plant breeder and program leader, and technical assistant, respectively, groundnut. Station period n intensity tmax tmin rh1 rh2 1 ahmedabad 21 sep 1991 to 11 oct 1991 21 severe 0. The crosses were generated by crossing resistant genotypes viz.
Hope you enjoyed our video lecture which covers the following topics. The yield loss was calculated in the groundnut variety dhaka1 due to early and late leaf spot by. Tikka disease of groundnut is a fungal disease of plant that is caused by two different species belonging to the same genus cercospora namely cercospora. Mcdonald2 abstract kesearrh on rust dueasc qfgroundnut at icris. Forewarning of incidence of tikka disease on groundnut and operational crop protection using weather information in gujarat r. To monitor tikka or cercospora leaf spot disease of groundnut, surveys were carried out in the groundnut areas of four major districts. The genotypes were scored at 05 scale one week before harvest against both the. Prevalence and incidence of tikka disease cercospora spp. Symptoms of damage wilting of tender shoots during hot weather. Disease assessment 5 6 6 6 7 diseases of groundnut 8 fungal diseases bacterial disease virus diseases nematode diseases 8 8 8 8 mp 1. This disease is characterised by dark spots on aerial part of the plant, mainly leaves. The parents, f 1s and f 2 populations were evaluated for rust resistance.
The groundnut leaf spots early leaf spot and late leaf spot commonly called as tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more depending upon. Breeding for disease resistant in groundnut authorstream. Forewarning of tikka disease in gujarat 427 table 2 simple correlation coefficient of tikka disease on groundnut at 1% level s. It occurs in every state in india and in every ground of nutgrowing countries of the world.
Management of tikka disease of groundnut by using different botanicals and bioagents puspa anandrao mane department of plant pathology, shri dadasaheb mokasi agriculture college, m. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different fungicides and their doses on cercospora leaf spot of groundnut. The spread is mainly through wind borne inoculum of uredospores. To monitor tikka or cercospora leaf spot disease of groundnut, surveys were carried out in the groundnut areas of four major districts of pothwar region viz. Highest spore concentration was found in 9th week while onset of first symptom of disease was found in 12 th week of the sampling. Epidemiology of tikka disease of groundnut in 2008 weather condition on day of high concentration of conidia disease causal organism period of first. Leaf spot disease in groundnut linkedin slideshare. Cercospora in hindi tikka disease of groundnut youtube. Reports of the disease from south america, south and southeast asia and oceania are now thought to be incorrect. Groundnut rosette disease is the most important of all diseases of the crop. Epidemiology and management of tikka disease of groundnut caused by cercospora arachidicola hori and cercosporidium personatum berk.
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